Thursday 31 December 2009

Almost 2010

Back in London. Tired. My brothers (age 6) were told they could stay up as late as they want tonight. At the moment I am (age 32) slightly struggling to stay up even until midnight. We'll see how far they get!

Monday 28 December 2009

Let's Talk About

Let's talk about him because he is not here right now.
Let's talk about her because she is here, right now.
Let's pick on somebody, just for the thrill of it. If you don't want too much trouble, do it in small portions. This is the best side dish you could ever feed your face with, whether you are having fish, duck or turkey.
And here is the best part. Whatever you say, whatever you hear about (or don't), you've just gotten yourself a large pile of things to talk about with other people, in other places. About your people, my people, their people.

All Around

X-mas all around... Good to see people. Tiredness, sleeplessness.

Information gathering concerning even the simplest matters can be a bit of a hassle. Then, once again, you get to realize that information is bound to arrive from a different source than expected.

And for tonight: some (hopefully real) theatre.

Thursday 24 December 2009


... up the whole wide world.
Okay, just about 40-50 gifts.
It's Christmas, after all.

Wednesday 23 December 2009


Let's roast a ton of chicken.

Tuesday 22 December 2009


Here, at last!

Monday 21 December 2009


Almost got on a flight today at Heathrow. Talked to I don't even know many customer service people, on the phone, in person, the whole nine yards. Now to bed. New day tomorrow.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Headachy days

No comment.

Friday 18 December 2009


How about going downstairs in the middle of the night and watching the incredible, rare snowfall? And how about throwing snowballs? And how about lots of laughing?


Thursday 17 December 2009

G' day

Saw Decode at the V&A Museum. Ordered some Hot Chocolate Milano, with no cream and a shot of espresso (≠ Mocha!). Got a cold, red nose and all. Went shopping with a close friend. It's good to shop with someone who is not only fun, but knows exactly what she wants to buy. Had some good chocolate, bought some more.

Good day, ain't it?

Wednesday 16 December 2009


Got the famous vaccine. After lots of pros and cons, decided to go for it.

Monday 14 December 2009

One Level Up

Yesterday big breakthrough - I roasted a whole duck. And made some stuffing. I need to develop some on the stuffing front, but I have done pretty well with the roasting a whole bird project.

Does this mean that I have just moved up one level at cooking school? Or something?

There was no special occassion just the occassion of me being curious about it.

Saturday 12 December 2009

Harold Crick, Again

HAROLD All right. Who just said: "Harold counted brush strokes"? And how do you know I'm counting brush strokes?

Watch it now!

Thursday 10 December 2009


Borders closing down soon. Finito. Went to see the marked down books. All that remains now is rubbish.

It's sad to see a book store go.

Wednesday 9 December 2009


There are days which deserve to be skipped. Slept through. Dreamt through. Forgotten.

Okay, there were a few good moments.

Tuesday 8 December 2009


I am changing. Growing? Recently, I got to like spinach. Spinach puree, to be precise. Spinach puree the way Samu makes it. Now, having spent all of my childhood despising spinach (and so many other foods), this is quite an achievement.

A while back, in a dream I was late for a date with a long lost friend. There was no excuse for how late I was. When I finally arrived, he was still at the spot, waiting. He offered me a large waffle with spinach puree spread onto it. He bought it for me. Said he had heard I recently started liking spinach.

So should I try to reconnect with my friend?

Sunday 6 December 2009

Mutate Britain

Cool exhibition near Ladbroke Grove Station. Street art, sculptures, paintings, insectoid, machinoid, waste - fun art.

December 4th to December 20th

Fri – 2pm -10pm (no entry after 9PM)
Sat- 1pm – 10pm
Sun – 12pm-9pm (no entry after 8PM)

Time Out says.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Music All The Way

Sainsbury's plays constant Christmas music these days.

The point is to keep me there long and make me shop, isn't it? Now I want to leave as soon as I enter.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Cooking Blog

Last night's tapas selection:
  • Spanish torilla with chorizo, ham and parmesan (and eggs, parsley, red peppers, onions, garlic, spices);
  • Chick peas with chorizo (and garlic, onions, olive oil, roasted red peppers, sherry vinegar, parsley, chilli pepper and spices)
  • Lettuce with feta cheese, oli, vinegar and dijon mustard.
  • Rice with boiled carrots and parsley.

For now, this is a cooking blog. Why deny it?

Monday 30 November 2009

Tapas Night 3.

  • Steak (ostrich and beef, the first being much better than the latter);
  • Vegetable dish entailing 3 colored peppers, an onion, garlic, mushrooms, tomoatoes, salt, pepper, hot pepper sauce, chilli pepper, majorana, a bit of parmesan and 4 eggs, sunny-side up;
  • Sauce made from pine nuts and parsley, garlic, spring onions, olive oil, lemon juce, salt, pepper, a bit of water and soya single cream.



Sunday 29 November 2009

Save Money

Save money on your shopping this Christmas, order clothes on the user-friendly next website!

Simply select items you like along with size and quantity, then go through the whole transaction process and collect your well-deserved error message at the very end.

If you get very lucky on this ride, you may even get a customer number after registering, but that's quite rare, so don't even worry about it.

It's actually the perfect solution. You get the thrill of shopping, but don't need to empty the piggy bank. And hey, you also get to do something completely useless!

Saturday 28 November 2009

And For Tonight:

  • Roasted chicken breast filled with a sauce of black olives, butter, olive oil, parsley and ricotta;
  • Boiled potatoes dipped in a sauce of egg yolk, white wine, olive oil, garlic, tiny bit of sugar, lemon juice, hot pepper sauce, salt and pepper;
  • Salad from chickpeas, cucumbers, tomatoes, red, yellow and green pepper, leek, salt, vinegar and olive oil.

It's lots of fun trying new things.

Friday 27 November 2009

Tapas for Tonight

  • Tomatoes stuffed with eggs, ricotta, spices, and a bit of blue cheese on top;
  • Mushrooms stuffed with curd cheese (túró), ricotta, parsley, spices;
  • Chicken liver, chopped up onions and garlic in port wine sauce, with some parsley on top;
  • Rocket salad with olive oil, orange pieces and juice, sunflower seeds, spices and three color pasta.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Horniman Park, around 11 a.m.


It's good to learn new words.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Get Out Of My Head

I read in a book that if the person who annoys you very much pops up in your thoughts, a good way to get rid of them is to put a red "x" across their head. I have tried it, it works. They disappear fairly quickly after that. Very satisfying. And entertaining.

Likewise fullfilling is to "hide" some people's status, little games and quiz results on Facebook.

Have a go, it's fun!

Monday 23 November 2009

Much better

Food helps. Good food can work wonders.

Today's lessons for me:
Leeches suck blood.
Those who do understand - will understand.
Those who don't - won't.

So, just relax, kiddo.

Gloomy Day

It seems to be a must after so many good ones. I will now go and make some delicious food. To ease the pain.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Saturday 21 November 2009


The below post came about the following way:

Last night I concentrated on this caricature for a few minutes. Just so I wouldn't forget. I was going to show it to Samu and Rebus. But then I was too tired, their discussion carried on and I did totally forget.

Some background: I used to have this caricature pinned to my wall in my teens. For some reason I kept the print and brought it with me when I came to London.

And this morning it was waiting for me in my inbox, attached to an e-mail from a friend. How did he know?

Magic, is it?

Cut the Bullshit

Friday 20 November 2009


As my good friend Fanny told me last year, it is amazing how every year people are surprised to find that Christmas is here again, and like headless chickens, they scramble to find gifts.

She is so right.

I wouldn't advise Oxford Street, though crossing Oxford Circus is a lot of fun these days. It's best to just go there, cross a couple of times, have a few laughs, then go home, have a cuppa and order it all online, if you must.

Thursday 19 November 2009


"Look and you will find it - what is unsought will go undetected."


Wednesday 18 November 2009

Get Others Voting Too

A good friend sent me an e-mail stating:

"Vote for Earth and get others voting too."

Vote Earth, download our widget, click here, click here, click here, click here, click here.

It got me thinking.

Can't I just vote for Mars instead, please???

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Sunday 15 November 2009


Tonight's concert at the Barbican:

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones,

Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke, Lenny White.



Throwing balloons up in the air is fun. Seeing Susie is nostalgia in the present. An ugly, silver, one-eyed clock-fish can cause a lot of laughter. Understanding things better is good rather than bad.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Jazz Voice, Oh, Yeah!

Barbican, 13th November, 2009:
Celebrating a Century of Song

For example: Sarah Jane Morris

Thursday 12 November 2009


Mom is here! She brought some yummy food. And some sunshine. After a little break, we are off to see the wizard.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Keep it up!

Exercise is good for you. Done every day, even better.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

This is Britain

On the BBC website I read about a baby who might soon be taken off of life-support, as he was born with a rare, genetic muscle condition that makes it hard for him to breathe independently.

The judge described the baby as: "profoundly unwell".

Can it get any more polite than that?

Monday 9 November 2009

Wise Or What?

1. Am I getting too old and wise for an internship?
2. Or haven't I found the right one?
3. Or am I not wise enough to find a job?
4. Or are they not wise enough to hire me?

Sunday 8 November 2009

The Love of Baked Food

Until you have cleaned an oven, you have done no cleaning whatsoever.

Friday 6 November 2009


London, today, rain.

Two people smiled at me on the train.

Is it because of my funny hat?

Maybe so.

Even so.


Sometimes I bump into someone who openly tells me his / her goal in life at the moment is to find as many contacts as possible, people who will help him / her advance, move forward in whatever pathetic career he / she has chosen.
It's a rare occasion, but always suprising.

Thursday 5 November 2009


Cold or flu or what?

Wednesday 4 November 2009

When Harry Met Sally

HARRY BURNS: You take someone to the airport, it's clearly the beginning of the relationship. That's why I have never taken anyone to the airport at the beginning of a relationship.


HARRY BURNS: Because eventually things move on and you don't take someone to the airport and I never wanted anyone to say to me, how come you never take me to the airport anymore?

SALLY ALBRIGHT: It's amazing. You look like a normal person but actually you are the angel of death.

All-time favorite film.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Monday 2 November 2009

Describe Me In 2 Words

I dreamt that someone close to me, a good friend was explaining to me (!) what I was like. She was scribling a lot of things onto a blackboard, crossing some of it out with chalk and was explaining to me quickly in the meantime.
She indicated two words in the middle of the blackboard which describe me the best.

These were (she was writing in English my dream):


Not bad. Not at all bad.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Mind the Gap

Do you mind if I eat while you smoke?

Saturday 31 October 2009

Out of Office

RE:Out of Office AutoReply: Guardian Jobs - ... Coordinator (JS/HQ00012345) - new application from Guardian Jobs

Dear AV,

I have now left ... to pursue my lifelong dream of travelling the world.

From now on, please contact my colleague Alison on ... or ...@... .

Kind regards,


Friday 30 October 2009

Those Big Blue Eyes

SU Your mother had those big blue eyes.

AV No, my Mom has brown eyes.

SU So, perhaps Grandma had blue eyes?

AV I don't know, I have never met her.

SU So, then it must have been my mother who had those big blue eyes. Yes, that's it. No. I don't know. Somebody had really, really big, blue eyes.

Thursday 29 October 2009


Find more here

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Tuesday 27 October 2009


Visiting friends in Gosport. The youngest is Teddy, almost 5 months old. It's nice to be here again.
We will soon eat beef stew. It's funny how much Hungarian food I have in the UK.

View Larger Map

Monday 26 October 2009

Sunday 25 October 2009


Met a few ex-colleagues for coffee today. We laughed a lot and decided to meet again once a month. Hope that works out.

Saw the Lovers of Ancona (Anconai Szerelmesek) on dvd today. I am glad I was part of that company once.

Friday 23 October 2009

Thursday 22 October 2009


He got back from Amsterdam yesterday. Missed him. We had a fun birthday celebration last night, with good friends and good food, lots of laughs. Gifts: home-made marmalade, nougat (find it here, and only here) and Douglas Coupland books. Mozzarella and tomatoes, goose liver with truffles as starters, layered potatoes (rakott krumpli = putted potatoes :-) and salad as the main course, home-made túró rudi (made by Rebus), brownies, choc tiffins, vanilla ice cream... Yum!

Tuesday 20 October 2009


Saw the Milk of Sorrow (La Teta Asustada) at the BFI 53rd London Film Festival today. Beautiful 2009 film by Peruvian director Claudia Llosa.

Monday 19 October 2009


Penny Escher: And I suppose you smoked all these cigarettes?
Kay Eiffel: No, they all came pre-smoked.

Sunday 18 October 2009

No Smiley Portrait For Today

Unable to take a decent photo of myself. In which I smile. Not grimace. So I'll stick to taking photos of things that smile at me.

Beard White, Hair Falling

MAN (in his early 80s): You just need to believe in omens, alright? You need to see the signs life sends you, alright? You just cannot live without them. I mean, how would you? Life gives you so many signs, you just need to see them. Once you see them, you can follow them. Don't be so damn ignorant, alright? Everyone has their own destiny. But if you don’t follow it, you are a dead man.

Okay, if you heard all this from a woman in her twenties or thirties, you would say, nah, she just wants to be trendy, got all her wisdom from some crappy women's magazine, trying to get through her miserable, single forever, careerist cunt life, am I correct? But here I am, beard white, hair falling, having most of my years behind me.

So, watch the patterns in life and see how they grow, alright?

Saturday 17 October 2009


Sometimes two blog posts, sometimes none. Here a photo, there a photo.

Friday 16 October 2009

Conversation at a London Museum

This happened a few years ago, but hard to forget.

MAN (about 65, dressed in a suit, smiles when he speaks): Where are you from?

ME (working at the museum at the time): Budapest. But I learned English in the States.

MAN: You don't learn English in the States. There you learn American.

ME (short pause): Well, they taught me enough English to be able to communicate with people in Britain.

MAN: (long pause)

Thursday 15 October 2009


Last night should be remembered.


Wednesday 14 October 2009

Away We Go

Sandwiches, Breadcrumbs

Dreamt that my Dad is going to the States for a year. So what did I do? Made him some sandwiches. Ham and cheese.

Cut lots of curly hair today, and to my greatest surprise, it turned out alright.

Had a good cooking moment (few hours) with Rebus: jacket potatoes, steak, chicken breasts in breadcrumbs, cooked vegetables in creme fraiche.

What a life!

Monday 12 October 2009

Feel Sorry For

Got back to London this morning. Did 2 things:

1. slept

2. posted my status on Facebook:

"Back in London"

A friend commented:

"there is no 'feel sorry for' button on Facebook..."

Saturday 10 October 2009

Parents (to be)

Tiredness. Got up at 4:30, that was tough. But the ride to the airport was great. The goodbye was moving and sweet.

I met two of my pregnant friends today. One in the morning, the other in the afternoon. Both looked beautiful. Although sometimes troubled, they have an incredible calmness in them.

We talked some about my parents, your parents, their parents. Had great many laughs.

Friday 9 October 2009

Witch Craft or Good Thinking

I decided to rearrange today's event at the ELTE, after the "great" success at the Academy. I asked Elliot and Carol if they would deliver a lecture instead of taking part in a so-called roundtable discussion which appearantly in Hungary means that people read their notes out loud, or speak on their own for several minutes as if nobody else were there. They are unable to engage in an actual conversation. Maybe they are simply not interested in others. And neither are the moderators or Hungarian audience ready to ask any questions.
Elliot and Carol were more than happy to oblige. So the two of them spoke 95% percent of the time, with a mighty short introduction at the beginning and a few questions from students at the end. It was a complete success and the audience was content, lively and fulfilled.
Afterwards, I thought my little backstage, organisational witch craft (or good thinking) made a huge difference. So a pat on the back for me, virtually. I have written this blogpost to commemorate this, as I have a tendency to forget my accomplishments and only remember whatever was troublesome.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Sticking Feathers Up Your Butt

Incredible. Some people. Should know Better. Are supposed to be clever. But quite the contrary.

The fact that one has learned to speak does not mean that one can speak in front of a packed room. Even if you are a politician, a doctor of the Academy, or any famous representative of the intelligentsia.
If you are asked to do an introduction, that means you've got 2 minutes. If you speak for more than 10, what you are giving is called a lecture. Nobody asked you to give a lecture.
And sitting next to you, what a suprise, is renowned social psychologist, Elliot Aronson. Someone who not only has something much more interesting to say than you do, but can also engage an audience without any effort whatsoever. And not read his speech from a piece of paper like you do.
Oh, and he also has a sense of humor. Yes, humor. Just look it up if you don't know.

Or simply put (from Fight Club):
"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Advanced Technology

When You Fall in Love with Your Own Voice

When you get hold of a microphone, you don't necessarily have to talk for long.

You don't necessarily need to deliver a speech.

Look around, pay attention, breathe normally.

Come out of your pity little world and see who the hell you are talking to. And what the purpose was in the first place.


Tuesday 6 October 2009


Long days, but damn good ones.

Monday 5 October 2009

Sunday 4 October 2009

Saturday 3 October 2009

Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris in Budapest

Photo: Vera Aronson

The great master of social psychology has arrived to Budapest! Here he is with co-author and fellow social psychologist, Carol Tavris.

Everybody should read Aronson's books, whoever you are or whatever you do!

Brand New

In Budapest. Smooth flight. It is a whole other world travelling with a brand new laptop. Small, comfortable. Enough said, now gotta get some sleep.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Little Sister

Little sister has gone back to Berlin. Haven't walked this much in a while. Haven't giggled this much either. Good fun.

Monday 28 September 2009

Hello, Tourist

London Bridge, Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Sqaure, Whitehall, 10 Downing Street, Big Ben, Westminster, Westminster Bridge, Southbank Centre, London Eye, Embankment, District Line, Tower Hill, Tower Bridge, City Hall, London Bridge. Phew.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Saturday 26 September 2009

Just Another Saturday in London

Dear Joe,

we opened your envelope by mistake, we are very sorry. We also have a lovefilm subscription.

Best regards,

Flat 3.

Dear Anna,

Thanks for the note! Actually, I almost did the same thing a few weeks ago, no problem at all. Thanks again for your note.

Best regards,

Flat 2.

Friday 25 September 2009

Thanks, hrl.

Yesterday I forgot to write a post, oh dear! Am I getting old? Oh, yeah. Definitely.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

One Ride

Please keep your feet off seats.

No smoking.

Priority seat for people who are disabled, pregnant or less able to stand.

Priority area for luggage.

Passenger emergency alarm.

Penalty fare £20 if you fail to show on demand a valid ticket or validated Oyster card for your entire journey.

Obstructing the doors can be dangerous.

Please keep your bags with you at all times and report any unattended items or suspicious behavior to a member of staff or a police officer.

Danger, risk of death if used when train is moving.

For your added security, video cameras are being introduced on London Underground trains.

People who assault our staff or vandalise our property will be prosecuted.

Mind the gap.

Emergency use only.

Monday 21 September 2009


Laptop sadness. Or frustration. Or sadness.

Sunday 20 September 2009


Saw no open houses today, no buildings revealed their architectural secrets to us. Will definitely plan better next year. Instead, been to a park on a simple bench near St. Pancras and had some good food and talk.

Saturday 19 September 2009

A Fresh Start

It's good to keep Moleskine notebooks. They are a bit like a diary. Got all sorts of things in there. Always in my bag. Today, I start a new one.

Friday 18 September 2009


"Handsome, but needs ironing."

- woman, early 30's

Thursday 17 September 2009


So far, so good.

1. Canterbury
2. Steak
3. Steak
4. Mussels


Recently, I was at a park with my Dad and twin brothers, who are almost 6. I was busy with the boys at the sand box. We were cooking a surprise sand dinner for our Dad. He was sitting on a bench nearby, reading. Well, trying to read. An older woman sat down next to him and immediately started chatting. As it turned out, she thought my Dad and myself were the parents of the 6 year olds.
My Dad objected, by saying our faces are so similar, can't she see that we are father and daughter? Well, she said, they say that couples grow similar to each other as the years go by.
They also say the same about dogs and their owners. They say a lot of things.

Wednesday 16 September 2009


Met lots of friends in the past week. Always good to catch up. Lots of sunshine, good old, well-known gestures, truth, laughs. Love it.

And one friend in particular, whom I saw today. He was walking breezily from the tram station. Everyone else in the street was looking at the ground, incredibly far from being in high spirits. He, on the other hand, was looking up. Glowing. In great shape. Good on him.

Tuesday 15 September 2009


Bought lactose free cheese, lactose free cottage cheese, lactose free natural yogurt, lactose free single cream. Brought them all back. Will have a feast. How come there are more and more lactose free products in Hungary and less and less in the U.K.???

Monday 14 September 2009

One-way Ticket

3 years ago on this day, I came to live in London. Good decision, he said. Agreed.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Good Old

Been to a user-friendly wedding. Walked. Did sunbathing. Walked. Avoided a lot of food. Walked. Saw good people. Saw fun people. Walked. Been told that I am an adult and that it is a good thing. Saw posters. Walked. Overheard some remarks which may or may not qualify as racist. Walked. Admired the view. Gave a tip here, refrained from - there. Walked. Didn't meet people was going to. Walked. Met about 15 people I didn't intend to. Phew. Good old Budapest.

Friday 11 September 2009


I love the market at Lehel tér. And markets in general. The smell of fresh food! Yum. Just wish I could eat a larger variety. Dream on, kiddo. Will get better.

Thursday 10 September 2009


Some people have quite an unpleasant odor. Sitting on a troli, locked up among them. Only a few stops, but hard to bear. A mixture of sweat and alcoholism.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

With Friends

Travelling with friends! :-)

Tuesday 8 September 2009

No Zebra

Remember that zebra crossing they had promised? Nope, hasn't been made. What a suprise. Could I have the postbox back, please?

Monday 7 September 2009

Hide and Seek

It's cool that you can hide people's status and other junk on Facebook or just updates about annoying applications. You can select what you want to know about your friends and sort-of-friends and what defintely not. If I want to know, I will look for it. Everyone should keep some stuff secret, even in 2009.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Green Light

To the asshole on the bike who told me today that the green light was on, I would like to say:

A. "You are right, but I didn't need a comment."

B. "If I need help, I ask for it."

C. "Who the hell are you and what do you want?"

Very rarely does the right answer come to me as such. What a shame.

Saturday 5 September 2009


cupcakes, tejbegríz, flake, blueberry pancakes, lindt milk chocolate with hazelnuts, chocolate chip cookies, lindt dark chocolate with chilli, madártej, raspberry-apple crumble, gü, belgian waffles, strawberry sugar cables, apple sugar cables, dunakavics, túrórudi, chocolate milkshake, klári's chocolate cream, fudge, marzipan, chocolate croissants, brownies, donuts, chocolate mousse, ice cream...

Friday 4 September 2009

One, Two, Three

I dreamt that people were commenting my blog. Here a comment, there a comment. I actually did. Hint, hint.

Thursday 3 September 2009

Nice Day For

More animation last night.
Some were totally boring, slow and humourless.

BUT these were awesome:

The Employment / El empleo by Santiago 'Bou' Grasso, Argentina, 2008, 6'15,

Nice Day For A Picnic by Monica Gallab, Belgium, 2008, 4'00,

and The Heart Of Amos Klein by Michal Kranot, Uri Kranot, Israel, 2008, 12’00.

New Woman

He says I should get rid of my old, low self-esteem girl act and think up something new for the next decades. Gotta hand it to him, he is right. But that's hard, man. Will get on the case, nevertheless. Just feel a bit like a mammoth.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

It Won't Come Down

Many-many years ago I went to junior high in the States. And there is something about the beginning of a month that gets me thinking.

Mr. F., our Science teacher always used to say that if your first words in the new month are "Rabbit's foot", your whole month will be lucky. But am I supposed to say it in English or Hungarian? What if I talk in my dreams before saying it, does it still count? Do I have to say it to someone to make it work? Is it cheating if I remind myself to do it, say through a note next to my bed? Never got that, really.

Than there was Mr. M., Social Studies teacher, who had three sayings. When you didn't listen, he'd say: "Wake up and smell the coffee" - and you knew you were in trouble. On average days he said: "Three lefts make a right, two (w)rights make an airplane flight". On more philisophical ones he would go with the: "If it rains, it won't come down". Never got that either.

I wonder what has happened to them. Never quite got them, really.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

August, Continued

August was much better than expected. This in itself, is quite an achievement.

Autumn is here, nonetheless. The past couple of months (=summer) in the great UK have been a fine blend of spring, summer and autumn. So, no worries, I am just going to think of what's ahead as summer, CONTINUED.

Monday 31 August 2009


Had a bit of a personality crisis today. Thought I was acrobatic, could do stunts. Turns out, not even the smallest one. Here is the deal. Went to the park with some friends. Had a chat, enjoyed the sun, enjoyed the friends. Played tennis for an hour, which I don't usually do. Then jumped on the bike to ride home.

Slight problemo: got hungry after the tennis pro moment and had an apple, of all things. Was still eating it while riding. No problemo. I am a pro. Saw a bin, rode close, threw it in, didn't stop (why should I, I am a pro!) got it in one, fell off the bike. Problemo. Nothing serious, just bruises.

A guy came up to me to see if I was ok. I said perhaps this was not the best of my ideas. He said, yes, but nice shot, though.

Well, anyway, maybe will stick to one thing at a time.

Sunday 30 August 2009

Animation Tonight

Saw some animation films at the Horse Hospital, as part of the London International Animation Festival.

Frustrated robots, a submarine builder granny, a large man carrying his old Mom as he climbs the mountains looking for a better world, the real story behind Michelangelo's Adam, talking bubblewrap and even Mommy's special red popsicles you don't want to know about...

Remember this one, it was the best:

by Gus Hughes and Paulina Brinck.

Though their "Late Night Bizarre" selection of films was only fairly bizarre, the whole night was well worth it.

Check it out!

Friday 28 August 2009

One of Those Moments

AV, with the red scarf, on the corner of two streets with names she does not know nor would she care to remember, just lost her step and had a thought.

At that very moment...

Thursday 27 August 2009

Waiting For

Was sitting at London Bridge Station, waiting. A family was sitting next to me, waiting. Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter. Their glances glued to the notice board. Suddenly, they all stood up and left. Then another family was next to me. Mom, Dad, Son. Dad realized he was sitting on a mobile phone. Asked me if it was mine. Was not. Mom took it to the Ticket Office. Came back. Told me she had taken it to the Ticket Office. Sat down. Few minutes went, they left. I waited. Was hoping somebody from Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter would return. I waited. Was very much hoping my wait would be enough for them to return. I waited. In came running the Daughter. Was out of breath, nervous. So I told her. Distrustful, she headed for the Ticket Office. I waited. I waited. I waited. I suppose she was a success. Somehow a little piece of the world had returned to its place. I know, it's just a stupid phone.

Wednesday 26 August 2009


Evening. The 3 of us sitting around in our flat, dark and rainy outside. Beer, cigarettes, laptops, movies, laughs inside. Not so bad - for now.

Tuesday 25 August 2009


Once you bring children into this world, they are most likely to Google you. Or better yet, they will look up "parent" on Wikipedia and go from there. And they will definitely add some tags. Beware.

Monday 24 August 2009


Two men have been hired to paint our living room. JASON, early twenties, thin, quick, likes to get the job done right. MARK, late twenties, a bit chubbier, has a nervous laugh, it's a way of communication for him. They are discussing girlfriends, mothers, shabby flats and TV. Occassionally, their mobile phones interrupt. They carry on working.
I catch a snippet of their conversation:

JASON: Do you believe in Jesus?

MARK: Man, I don't believe in religion.

JASON: Come on, but do you believe in Jesus?

MARK: No, I don't, man.

JASON: But you have to believe! Do you believe in Jesus?

MARK: I believe in Jason.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Tomato Dropped

The first lovely result of the elimination diet is that my stomach is not fully happy with the acquisition of tomatoes. That would be a petty, losing them. Perhaps if the amount were less... Will give it another try in a week.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Quick n' Easy

I definitely gotta do more than just one liners, those good old half-wisdoms. Hey, no criticism, but there it is.

Friday 21 August 2009

Strange Day, Yet Again

An era has ended today. Am sorry about that, but perhaps it is also the beginning of something good. Yes, it outta be.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Airport Fun

The dumbest question I have ever been asked at an airport check-in counter was this:

"Did anyone put anything into your luggage without your knowledge?"

My immediate response would have been: "I wouldn't know about that now, would I?"

But I just keep it to myself. Wouldn't want mess with those people. They probably have no sense of humour, whatsoever.

Oh, and today I got me my first reader. Hip-hip...!

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Like a Hangover

The Elimination diet is very similar to being tipsy. Or even more like a hangover. You float around endlessly in the flat, headache comes and goes, dizziness, moods up and down. Really, really cannot recommend it more.

Tuesday 18 August 2009


Elimination diet, Day 1.
Anyone try it before? It's lots of fun, and your next two months are covered.

Monday 17 August 2009

Slightly useless day

Getting back to normal is difficult. Gotta find a job soon. One that actually interests me.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Home, Sweet Home

Definitely good to be back home. No bullshit, no emotional games. Just home.

Saturday 15 August 2009


is also the mother of all fuckups.

Tense moments, water, travel, parents, friends, party. Summertime, living is easy.

Friday 14 August 2009

Here's Hopin'

Trips over here always seem to be frutiful. One way or the other.

Thursday 13 August 2009


The day after a storm is mostly clear. Storms, more like it.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Weird Day

Lots of truth. Not all. Words, words, words.

Nothing Is As Planned

Life is full of suprises. Fortunately, only some are bad. And there is always a bit of fun.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Brothers' Wishlist

H (age 5.5): Do you want to have kids?

A (age 32): Yes, I do.

H: Well, then give birth to them!

A: Will do.

H: Good. We will have cousins to play with.

A: ...

H: And what sort of kids do you want to have?

A: 1 boy and 1 girl. And the 3. one could be either.

H: That one should be 2 boys!

P: (age 5.5) /has had enough of just listening/ No, no. You should have 1 boy and 8 girls.