Thursday 8 October 2009

Sticking Feathers Up Your Butt

Incredible. Some people. Should know Better. Are supposed to be clever. But quite the contrary.

The fact that one has learned to speak does not mean that one can speak in front of a packed room. Even if you are a politician, a doctor of the Academy, or any famous representative of the intelligentsia.
If you are asked to do an introduction, that means you've got 2 minutes. If you speak for more than 10, what you are giving is called a lecture. Nobody asked you to give a lecture.
And sitting next to you, what a suprise, is renowned social psychologist, Elliot Aronson. Someone who not only has something much more interesting to say than you do, but can also engage an audience without any effort whatsoever. And not read his speech from a piece of paper like you do.
Oh, and he also has a sense of humor. Yes, humor. Just look it up if you don't know.

Or simply put (from Fight Club):
"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."

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