Wednesday 2 September 2009

It Won't Come Down

Many-many years ago I went to junior high in the States. And there is something about the beginning of a month that gets me thinking.

Mr. F., our Science teacher always used to say that if your first words in the new month are "Rabbit's foot", your whole month will be lucky. But am I supposed to say it in English or Hungarian? What if I talk in my dreams before saying it, does it still count? Do I have to say it to someone to make it work? Is it cheating if I remind myself to do it, say through a note next to my bed? Never got that, really.

Than there was Mr. M., Social Studies teacher, who had three sayings. When you didn't listen, he'd say: "Wake up and smell the coffee" - and you knew you were in trouble. On average days he said: "Three lefts make a right, two (w)rights make an airplane flight". On more philisophical ones he would go with the: "If it rains, it won't come down". Never got that either.

I wonder what has happened to them. Never quite got them, really.

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