Monday 31 August 2009


Had a bit of a personality crisis today. Thought I was acrobatic, could do stunts. Turns out, not even the smallest one. Here is the deal. Went to the park with some friends. Had a chat, enjoyed the sun, enjoyed the friends. Played tennis for an hour, which I don't usually do. Then jumped on the bike to ride home.

Slight problemo: got hungry after the tennis pro moment and had an apple, of all things. Was still eating it while riding. No problemo. I am a pro. Saw a bin, rode close, threw it in, didn't stop (why should I, I am a pro!) got it in one, fell off the bike. Problemo. Nothing serious, just bruises.

A guy came up to me to see if I was ok. I said perhaps this was not the best of my ideas. He said, yes, but nice shot, though.

Well, anyway, maybe will stick to one thing at a time.

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