Sunday 9 August 2009

Light the Fish?

Lead actor: Son-in-law
Rest of the cast: The Family Members
Audience: Me
Family lunch, a tremendous one. Lots of sunshine, white tablecloth. Chewing, chit-chat, peace.

SON-IN-LAW starts talking about night fishing, which he plans to do the following night. He talks about taking his new fishing rod and accessories, tent, folding chair, food for the fish and a light he will be setting up. He explains with much enthusiasm. The Family Members join in, intently.

MOTHER: But why do you need to take a light with you?

DAUGHTER: So that he doesn't trip.

MOTHER: But why would you need a light out there?

SON-IN-LAW: So that I can see what I am doing.

MOTHER: But that's very strange. Why have a light?

SON-IN-LAW: Of course I need a light.

FATHER: Is that really necessary?

MOTHER: Doesn't that scare the fishies away?

SON-IN-LAW: Why do you ask so many questions? What is this all about?

MOTHER: Nothing, we are just asking.

SON-IN-LAW: What is this, an interrogation of some kind?

MOTHER: We were just curious. If we cannot even ask any questions, then...

DAUGHTER /to Son-in-Law/: It's you who is overreacting again.

SON-IN-LAW: Me? That's just great!

MOTHER: What is the matter with you? We haven't done anything wrong!

FATHER /asks Daughter/ Okay, okay. Would you like to measure your blood pressure now, dear?

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