Monday 31 August 2009


Had a bit of a personality crisis today. Thought I was acrobatic, could do stunts. Turns out, not even the smallest one. Here is the deal. Went to the park with some friends. Had a chat, enjoyed the sun, enjoyed the friends. Played tennis for an hour, which I don't usually do. Then jumped on the bike to ride home.

Slight problemo: got hungry after the tennis pro moment and had an apple, of all things. Was still eating it while riding. No problemo. I am a pro. Saw a bin, rode close, threw it in, didn't stop (why should I, I am a pro!) got it in one, fell off the bike. Problemo. Nothing serious, just bruises.

A guy came up to me to see if I was ok. I said perhaps this was not the best of my ideas. He said, yes, but nice shot, though.

Well, anyway, maybe will stick to one thing at a time.

Sunday 30 August 2009

Animation Tonight

Saw some animation films at the Horse Hospital, as part of the London International Animation Festival.

Frustrated robots, a submarine builder granny, a large man carrying his old Mom as he climbs the mountains looking for a better world, the real story behind Michelangelo's Adam, talking bubblewrap and even Mommy's special red popsicles you don't want to know about...

Remember this one, it was the best:

by Gus Hughes and Paulina Brinck.

Though their "Late Night Bizarre" selection of films was only fairly bizarre, the whole night was well worth it.

Check it out!

Friday 28 August 2009

One of Those Moments

AV, with the red scarf, on the corner of two streets with names she does not know nor would she care to remember, just lost her step and had a thought.

At that very moment...

Thursday 27 August 2009

Waiting For

Was sitting at London Bridge Station, waiting. A family was sitting next to me, waiting. Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter. Their glances glued to the notice board. Suddenly, they all stood up and left. Then another family was next to me. Mom, Dad, Son. Dad realized he was sitting on a mobile phone. Asked me if it was mine. Was not. Mom took it to the Ticket Office. Came back. Told me she had taken it to the Ticket Office. Sat down. Few minutes went, they left. I waited. Was hoping somebody from Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter would return. I waited. Was very much hoping my wait would be enough for them to return. I waited. In came running the Daughter. Was out of breath, nervous. So I told her. Distrustful, she headed for the Ticket Office. I waited. I waited. I waited. I suppose she was a success. Somehow a little piece of the world had returned to its place. I know, it's just a stupid phone.

Wednesday 26 August 2009


Evening. The 3 of us sitting around in our flat, dark and rainy outside. Beer, cigarettes, laptops, movies, laughs inside. Not so bad - for now.

Tuesday 25 August 2009


Once you bring children into this world, they are most likely to Google you. Or better yet, they will look up "parent" on Wikipedia and go from there. And they will definitely add some tags. Beware.

Monday 24 August 2009


Two men have been hired to paint our living room. JASON, early twenties, thin, quick, likes to get the job done right. MARK, late twenties, a bit chubbier, has a nervous laugh, it's a way of communication for him. They are discussing girlfriends, mothers, shabby flats and TV. Occassionally, their mobile phones interrupt. They carry on working.
I catch a snippet of their conversation:

JASON: Do you believe in Jesus?

MARK: Man, I don't believe in religion.

JASON: Come on, but do you believe in Jesus?

MARK: No, I don't, man.

JASON: But you have to believe! Do you believe in Jesus?

MARK: I believe in Jason.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Tomato Dropped

The first lovely result of the elimination diet is that my stomach is not fully happy with the acquisition of tomatoes. That would be a petty, losing them. Perhaps if the amount were less... Will give it another try in a week.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Quick n' Easy

I definitely gotta do more than just one liners, those good old half-wisdoms. Hey, no criticism, but there it is.

Friday 21 August 2009

Strange Day, Yet Again

An era has ended today. Am sorry about that, but perhaps it is also the beginning of something good. Yes, it outta be.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Airport Fun

The dumbest question I have ever been asked at an airport check-in counter was this:

"Did anyone put anything into your luggage without your knowledge?"

My immediate response would have been: "I wouldn't know about that now, would I?"

But I just keep it to myself. Wouldn't want mess with those people. They probably have no sense of humour, whatsoever.

Oh, and today I got me my first reader. Hip-hip...!

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Like a Hangover

The Elimination diet is very similar to being tipsy. Or even more like a hangover. You float around endlessly in the flat, headache comes and goes, dizziness, moods up and down. Really, really cannot recommend it more.

Tuesday 18 August 2009


Elimination diet, Day 1.
Anyone try it before? It's lots of fun, and your next two months are covered.

Monday 17 August 2009

Slightly useless day

Getting back to normal is difficult. Gotta find a job soon. One that actually interests me.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Home, Sweet Home

Definitely good to be back home. No bullshit, no emotional games. Just home.

Saturday 15 August 2009


is also the mother of all fuckups.

Tense moments, water, travel, parents, friends, party. Summertime, living is easy.

Friday 14 August 2009

Here's Hopin'

Trips over here always seem to be frutiful. One way or the other.

Thursday 13 August 2009


The day after a storm is mostly clear. Storms, more like it.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Weird Day

Lots of truth. Not all. Words, words, words.

Nothing Is As Planned

Life is full of suprises. Fortunately, only some are bad. And there is always a bit of fun.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Brothers' Wishlist

H (age 5.5): Do you want to have kids?

A (age 32): Yes, I do.

H: Well, then give birth to them!

A: Will do.

H: Good. We will have cousins to play with.

A: ...

H: And what sort of kids do you want to have?

A: 1 boy and 1 girl. And the 3. one could be either.

H: That one should be 2 boys!

P: (age 5.5) /has had enough of just listening/ No, no. You should have 1 boy and 8 girls.

Monday 10 August 2009

Running Around

Seems like I am constantly in motion. Walking, buses, trams, trains. Talking. A bit tired. Hard to sleep at night. A bit more peace of mind would be useful. Looking forward.

Sunday 9 August 2009

Light the Fish?

Lead actor: Son-in-law
Rest of the cast: The Family Members
Audience: Me
Family lunch, a tremendous one. Lots of sunshine, white tablecloth. Chewing, chit-chat, peace.

SON-IN-LAW starts talking about night fishing, which he plans to do the following night. He talks about taking his new fishing rod and accessories, tent, folding chair, food for the fish and a light he will be setting up. He explains with much enthusiasm. The Family Members join in, intently.

MOTHER: But why do you need to take a light with you?

DAUGHTER: So that he doesn't trip.

MOTHER: But why would you need a light out there?

SON-IN-LAW: So that I can see what I am doing.

MOTHER: But that's very strange. Why have a light?

SON-IN-LAW: Of course I need a light.

FATHER: Is that really necessary?

MOTHER: Doesn't that scare the fishies away?

SON-IN-LAW: Why do you ask so many questions? What is this all about?

MOTHER: Nothing, we are just asking.

SON-IN-LAW: What is this, an interrogation of some kind?

MOTHER: We were just curious. If we cannot even ask any questions, then...

DAUGHTER /to Son-in-Law/: It's you who is overreacting again.

SON-IN-LAW: Me? That's just great!

MOTHER: What is the matter with you? We haven't done anything wrong!

FATHER /asks Daughter/ Okay, okay. Would you like to measure your blood pressure now, dear?

Saturday 8 August 2009

Back to the Basics

Have decided to write every day. That's hard. Running around, old friends, family, huge meals, sunny Budapest. Love it, hate it.

Friday 7 August 2009


A bit tense, but will get better.

Thursday 6 August 2009


Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life.

Wednesday 5 August 2009


Hey, didn't know jumping was so great. Was at a gig last week and had an amazing time. I had only 1 cranberry-vodka in me, some weird strangers dancing around us, it was just so natural to jump! In the past, when I saw people jumping up and down at concerts,
A. I thought they were totally crazy,
B. I was so sure that the distance between their feet and the ground was so great that I could never achieve that height or excellence. Or must be totally drunk or under some influence.
But it just happened. Started jumping. Not tiring either, very suprising. Was plenty tired the next day though. But so what? It also made me dance naturally, just caught the rhythm and danced. And jumped. Did all kinds of moves am afraid to. Usually way too self-conscious. Cannot recommend it more. JUMP!

Tuesday 4 August 2009


It was surrounded. Two men, one truck. Cones everywhere. I could see it was in trouble from blocks away. "Just movin' it a few meters, don't you worry, makin' a zebra crossin' here instead." But, but, but! That postbox always stood there in front of the house. A landmark. The secure red spot. The visual cue to get off the night bus. Should I write to the council? Would the mayor help? I could collect signatures. Create an online campaign. Go on a hunger strike. Join Postboxless Anonymous?