Thursday 22 November 2012

Dumb Ways to Die

I laugh every time I see this.

Do you?

Thanks, Ira, again! :-)

Sunday 5 August 2012

From Ira

Here are 29 ways to stay creative. Stay creative, whatever you do in life.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Just Smile

SHE: What are you drawing?
ME: Whatever comes to mind.
SHE: Is this what you are thinking? That's a bit worrying.

ME: Is it?

Wednesday 11 July 2012


Thanks, Samu, for pushing me all the way.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 3. Diamond Jubilee

I finally did some serious drawing today. And thinking. And sketching.

I have a lot to do. I have a lot of plans. I am enjoying it. I am looking forward to the next day, to getting involved in the various processes, creating, finding answers to my own questions. Taking those steps ahead.

Gergő was here, which was good, we showed him the Alternative London Tour, which he loved. For me, this was the third time, which might sound crazy, but actually, on each tour the guide was different (Gary, Doug, now Josh), so their stories were somewhat different, and most importantly, the art work on the streets change constantly, from month to month (probably from week to week too). Anyways, great fun.

Today there were celebratory boats on the Thames, diamond jubilee and all. I was pleasantly surprised by the website's style. Anyways, feel free to message the Queen.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Day 2., Research

I need to do a bit of research. Or lots. Opening an etsy shop has it's difficulties. What products should I have? How much freedom do I have in the design of the shop? What sort of design would be best? Have I found the right name? I can at least answer that last one. It took me a while to find the right name of the shop, so am sticking to that one now. No, not telling just yet. But will announce it when I am ready.

Also reading the etsy blog, this is my current favourite.

So now researching techniques and trying to make the most of the pens, papers, notebooks, sketchbooks and various materials I already have before I buy something new. Painting on tiles caught my interest, I am researching that too. Might need to find an oven to bake them all in.

So many ideas, so much freedom. Loving it.

Friday 1 June 2012

Day 1. of month June: The PLAN

Hello World,

I am trying something new. A full month of what I like to do.

Here goes.

First task. A big one. Organizing my unorganized self.

I was originally going to plan June in May, but that never really happened in May. I have set up a Google docs, have called it the "The PLAN", and it's full of lists, yes, but it's not really a plan. It's a bunch of goals, that's what it is, really.

Well, if I were a project manager, maybe I could manage. Wait a minute! Holy crap. I am a project manager.

So the next thing I am going to do is really make a plan. Yes, this evening, it shall be.

There is noone home, but me. Tonight some serious planning is to be done. I have summoned a huge glass of port wine to help with the process. Truth be told, the wine glass is huge, the wine is not a great portion, I am not a great drinker, and I am not here to get drunk. Not now.

So cheers to me and the queen!

Planning in process, do not disturb.

Sunday 1 April 2012

The Wonderfully Strange and Surreal Animation of Suzan Pitt

Suzan Pitt retrospective at the Horse Hospital last night, then Q&A. Great artist, good venue, true joy. Thank you LIAF, once again.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Books, books, books!

The joy of books, oh, yes!

And colour, oh, colours. Watch, smile. Have a great day!