Saturday 31 October 2009

Out of Office

RE:Out of Office AutoReply: Guardian Jobs - ... Coordinator (JS/HQ00012345) - new application from Guardian Jobs

Dear AV,

I have now left ... to pursue my lifelong dream of travelling the world.

From now on, please contact my colleague Alison on ... or ...@... .

Kind regards,


Friday 30 October 2009

Those Big Blue Eyes

SU Your mother had those big blue eyes.

AV No, my Mom has brown eyes.

SU So, perhaps Grandma had blue eyes?

AV I don't know, I have never met her.

SU So, then it must have been my mother who had those big blue eyes. Yes, that's it. No. I don't know. Somebody had really, really big, blue eyes.

Thursday 29 October 2009


Find more here

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Tuesday 27 October 2009


Visiting friends in Gosport. The youngest is Teddy, almost 5 months old. It's nice to be here again.
We will soon eat beef stew. It's funny how much Hungarian food I have in the UK.

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Monday 26 October 2009

Sunday 25 October 2009


Met a few ex-colleagues for coffee today. We laughed a lot and decided to meet again once a month. Hope that works out.

Saw the Lovers of Ancona (Anconai Szerelmesek) on dvd today. I am glad I was part of that company once.

Friday 23 October 2009

Thursday 22 October 2009


He got back from Amsterdam yesterday. Missed him. We had a fun birthday celebration last night, with good friends and good food, lots of laughs. Gifts: home-made marmalade, nougat (find it here, and only here) and Douglas Coupland books. Mozzarella and tomatoes, goose liver with truffles as starters, layered potatoes (rakott krumpli = putted potatoes :-) and salad as the main course, home-made túró rudi (made by Rebus), brownies, choc tiffins, vanilla ice cream... Yum!

Tuesday 20 October 2009


Saw the Milk of Sorrow (La Teta Asustada) at the BFI 53rd London Film Festival today. Beautiful 2009 film by Peruvian director Claudia Llosa.

Monday 19 October 2009


Penny Escher: And I suppose you smoked all these cigarettes?
Kay Eiffel: No, they all came pre-smoked.

Sunday 18 October 2009

No Smiley Portrait For Today

Unable to take a decent photo of myself. In which I smile. Not grimace. So I'll stick to taking photos of things that smile at me.

Beard White, Hair Falling

MAN (in his early 80s): You just need to believe in omens, alright? You need to see the signs life sends you, alright? You just cannot live without them. I mean, how would you? Life gives you so many signs, you just need to see them. Once you see them, you can follow them. Don't be so damn ignorant, alright? Everyone has their own destiny. But if you don’t follow it, you are a dead man.

Okay, if you heard all this from a woman in her twenties or thirties, you would say, nah, she just wants to be trendy, got all her wisdom from some crappy women's magazine, trying to get through her miserable, single forever, careerist cunt life, am I correct? But here I am, beard white, hair falling, having most of my years behind me.

So, watch the patterns in life and see how they grow, alright?

Saturday 17 October 2009


Sometimes two blog posts, sometimes none. Here a photo, there a photo.

Friday 16 October 2009

Conversation at a London Museum

This happened a few years ago, but hard to forget.

MAN (about 65, dressed in a suit, smiles when he speaks): Where are you from?

ME (working at the museum at the time): Budapest. But I learned English in the States.

MAN: You don't learn English in the States. There you learn American.

ME (short pause): Well, they taught me enough English to be able to communicate with people in Britain.

MAN: (long pause)

Thursday 15 October 2009


Last night should be remembered.


Wednesday 14 October 2009

Away We Go

Sandwiches, Breadcrumbs

Dreamt that my Dad is going to the States for a year. So what did I do? Made him some sandwiches. Ham and cheese.

Cut lots of curly hair today, and to my greatest surprise, it turned out alright.

Had a good cooking moment (few hours) with Rebus: jacket potatoes, steak, chicken breasts in breadcrumbs, cooked vegetables in creme fraiche.

What a life!

Monday 12 October 2009

Feel Sorry For

Got back to London this morning. Did 2 things:

1. slept

2. posted my status on Facebook:

"Back in London"

A friend commented:

"there is no 'feel sorry for' button on Facebook..."

Saturday 10 October 2009

Parents (to be)

Tiredness. Got up at 4:30, that was tough. But the ride to the airport was great. The goodbye was moving and sweet.

I met two of my pregnant friends today. One in the morning, the other in the afternoon. Both looked beautiful. Although sometimes troubled, they have an incredible calmness in them.

We talked some about my parents, your parents, their parents. Had great many laughs.

Friday 9 October 2009

Witch Craft or Good Thinking

I decided to rearrange today's event at the ELTE, after the "great" success at the Academy. I asked Elliot and Carol if they would deliver a lecture instead of taking part in a so-called roundtable discussion which appearantly in Hungary means that people read their notes out loud, or speak on their own for several minutes as if nobody else were there. They are unable to engage in an actual conversation. Maybe they are simply not interested in others. And neither are the moderators or Hungarian audience ready to ask any questions.
Elliot and Carol were more than happy to oblige. So the two of them spoke 95% percent of the time, with a mighty short introduction at the beginning and a few questions from students at the end. It was a complete success and the audience was content, lively and fulfilled.
Afterwards, I thought my little backstage, organisational witch craft (or good thinking) made a huge difference. So a pat on the back for me, virtually. I have written this blogpost to commemorate this, as I have a tendency to forget my accomplishments and only remember whatever was troublesome.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Sticking Feathers Up Your Butt

Incredible. Some people. Should know Better. Are supposed to be clever. But quite the contrary.

The fact that one has learned to speak does not mean that one can speak in front of a packed room. Even if you are a politician, a doctor of the Academy, or any famous representative of the intelligentsia.
If you are asked to do an introduction, that means you've got 2 minutes. If you speak for more than 10, what you are giving is called a lecture. Nobody asked you to give a lecture.
And sitting next to you, what a suprise, is renowned social psychologist, Elliot Aronson. Someone who not only has something much more interesting to say than you do, but can also engage an audience without any effort whatsoever. And not read his speech from a piece of paper like you do.
Oh, and he also has a sense of humor. Yes, humor. Just look it up if you don't know.

Or simply put (from Fight Club):
"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Advanced Technology

When You Fall in Love with Your Own Voice

When you get hold of a microphone, you don't necessarily have to talk for long.

You don't necessarily need to deliver a speech.

Look around, pay attention, breathe normally.

Come out of your pity little world and see who the hell you are talking to. And what the purpose was in the first place.


Tuesday 6 October 2009


Long days, but damn good ones.

Monday 5 October 2009

Sunday 4 October 2009

Saturday 3 October 2009

Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris in Budapest

Photo: Vera Aronson

The great master of social psychology has arrived to Budapest! Here he is with co-author and fellow social psychologist, Carol Tavris.

Everybody should read Aronson's books, whoever you are or whatever you do!

Brand New

In Budapest. Smooth flight. It is a whole other world travelling with a brand new laptop. Small, comfortable. Enough said, now gotta get some sleep.

Thursday 1 October 2009