Thursday 31 December 2009

Almost 2010

Back in London. Tired. My brothers (age 6) were told they could stay up as late as they want tonight. At the moment I am (age 32) slightly struggling to stay up even until midnight. We'll see how far they get!

Monday 28 December 2009

Let's Talk About

Let's talk about him because he is not here right now.
Let's talk about her because she is here, right now.
Let's pick on somebody, just for the thrill of it. If you don't want too much trouble, do it in small portions. This is the best side dish you could ever feed your face with, whether you are having fish, duck or turkey.
And here is the best part. Whatever you say, whatever you hear about (or don't), you've just gotten yourself a large pile of things to talk about with other people, in other places. About your people, my people, their people.

All Around

X-mas all around... Good to see people. Tiredness, sleeplessness.

Information gathering concerning even the simplest matters can be a bit of a hassle. Then, once again, you get to realize that information is bound to arrive from a different source than expected.

And for tonight: some (hopefully real) theatre.

Thursday 24 December 2009


... up the whole wide world.
Okay, just about 40-50 gifts.
It's Christmas, after all.

Wednesday 23 December 2009


Let's roast a ton of chicken.

Tuesday 22 December 2009


Here, at last!

Monday 21 December 2009


Almost got on a flight today at Heathrow. Talked to I don't even know many customer service people, on the phone, in person, the whole nine yards. Now to bed. New day tomorrow.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Headachy days

No comment.

Friday 18 December 2009


How about going downstairs in the middle of the night and watching the incredible, rare snowfall? And how about throwing snowballs? And how about lots of laughing?


Thursday 17 December 2009

G' day

Saw Decode at the V&A Museum. Ordered some Hot Chocolate Milano, with no cream and a shot of espresso (≠ Mocha!). Got a cold, red nose and all. Went shopping with a close friend. It's good to shop with someone who is not only fun, but knows exactly what she wants to buy. Had some good chocolate, bought some more.

Good day, ain't it?

Wednesday 16 December 2009


Got the famous vaccine. After lots of pros and cons, decided to go for it.

Monday 14 December 2009

One Level Up

Yesterday big breakthrough - I roasted a whole duck. And made some stuffing. I need to develop some on the stuffing front, but I have done pretty well with the roasting a whole bird project.

Does this mean that I have just moved up one level at cooking school? Or something?

There was no special occassion just the occassion of me being curious about it.

Saturday 12 December 2009

Harold Crick, Again

HAROLD All right. Who just said: "Harold counted brush strokes"? And how do you know I'm counting brush strokes?

Watch it now!

Thursday 10 December 2009


Borders closing down soon. Finito. Went to see the marked down books. All that remains now is rubbish.

It's sad to see a book store go.

Wednesday 9 December 2009


There are days which deserve to be skipped. Slept through. Dreamt through. Forgotten.

Okay, there were a few good moments.

Tuesday 8 December 2009


I am changing. Growing? Recently, I got to like spinach. Spinach puree, to be precise. Spinach puree the way Samu makes it. Now, having spent all of my childhood despising spinach (and so many other foods), this is quite an achievement.

A while back, in a dream I was late for a date with a long lost friend. There was no excuse for how late I was. When I finally arrived, he was still at the spot, waiting. He offered me a large waffle with spinach puree spread onto it. He bought it for me. Said he had heard I recently started liking spinach.

So should I try to reconnect with my friend?

Sunday 6 December 2009

Mutate Britain

Cool exhibition near Ladbroke Grove Station. Street art, sculptures, paintings, insectoid, machinoid, waste - fun art.

December 4th to December 20th

Fri – 2pm -10pm (no entry after 9PM)
Sat- 1pm – 10pm
Sun – 12pm-9pm (no entry after 8PM)

Time Out says.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Music All The Way

Sainsbury's plays constant Christmas music these days.

The point is to keep me there long and make me shop, isn't it? Now I want to leave as soon as I enter.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Cooking Blog

Last night's tapas selection:
  • Spanish torilla with chorizo, ham and parmesan (and eggs, parsley, red peppers, onions, garlic, spices);
  • Chick peas with chorizo (and garlic, onions, olive oil, roasted red peppers, sherry vinegar, parsley, chilli pepper and spices)
  • Lettuce with feta cheese, oli, vinegar and dijon mustard.
  • Rice with boiled carrots and parsley.

For now, this is a cooking blog. Why deny it?