Tuesday 29 September 2009

Little Sister

Little sister has gone back to Berlin. Haven't walked this much in a while. Haven't giggled this much either. Good fun.

Monday 28 September 2009

Hello, Tourist

London Bridge, Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Sqaure, Whitehall, 10 Downing Street, Big Ben, Westminster, Westminster Bridge, Southbank Centre, London Eye, Embankment, District Line, Tower Hill, Tower Bridge, City Hall, London Bridge. Phew.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Saturday 26 September 2009

Just Another Saturday in London

Dear Joe,

we opened your envelope by mistake, we are very sorry. We also have a lovefilm subscription.

Best regards,

Flat 3.

Dear Anna,

Thanks for the note! Actually, I almost did the same thing a few weeks ago, no problem at all. Thanks again for your note.

Best regards,

Flat 2.

Friday 25 September 2009

Thanks, hrl.

Yesterday I forgot to write a post, oh dear! Am I getting old? Oh, yeah. Definitely.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

One Ride

Please keep your feet off seats.

No smoking.

Priority seat for people who are disabled, pregnant or less able to stand.

Priority area for luggage.

Passenger emergency alarm.

Penalty fare £20 if you fail to show on demand a valid ticket or validated Oyster card for your entire journey.

Obstructing the doors can be dangerous.

Please keep your bags with you at all times and report any unattended items or suspicious behavior to a member of staff or a police officer.

Danger, risk of death if used when train is moving.

For your added security, video cameras are being introduced on London Underground trains.

People who assault our staff or vandalise our property will be prosecuted.

Mind the gap.

Emergency use only.

Monday 21 September 2009


Laptop sadness. Or frustration. Or sadness.

Sunday 20 September 2009


Saw no open houses today, no buildings revealed their architectural secrets to us. Will definitely plan better next year. Instead, been to a park on a simple bench near St. Pancras and had some good food and talk.

Saturday 19 September 2009

A Fresh Start

It's good to keep Moleskine notebooks. They are a bit like a diary. Got all sorts of things in there. Always in my bag. Today, I start a new one.

Friday 18 September 2009


"Handsome, but needs ironing."

- woman, early 30's

Thursday 17 September 2009


So far, so good.

1. Canterbury
2. Steak
3. Steak
4. Mussels


Recently, I was at a park with my Dad and twin brothers, who are almost 6. I was busy with the boys at the sand box. We were cooking a surprise sand dinner for our Dad. He was sitting on a bench nearby, reading. Well, trying to read. An older woman sat down next to him and immediately started chatting. As it turned out, she thought my Dad and myself were the parents of the 6 year olds.
My Dad objected, by saying our faces are so similar, can't she see that we are father and daughter? Well, she said, they say that couples grow similar to each other as the years go by.
They also say the same about dogs and their owners. They say a lot of things.

Wednesday 16 September 2009


Met lots of friends in the past week. Always good to catch up. Lots of sunshine, good old, well-known gestures, truth, laughs. Love it.

And one friend in particular, whom I saw today. He was walking breezily from the tram station. Everyone else in the street was looking at the ground, incredibly far from being in high spirits. He, on the other hand, was looking up. Glowing. In great shape. Good on him.

Tuesday 15 September 2009


Bought lactose free cheese, lactose free cottage cheese, lactose free natural yogurt, lactose free single cream. Brought them all back. Will have a feast. How come there are more and more lactose free products in Hungary and less and less in the U.K.???

Monday 14 September 2009

One-way Ticket

3 years ago on this day, I came to live in London. Good decision, he said. Agreed.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Good Old

Been to a user-friendly wedding. Walked. Did sunbathing. Walked. Avoided a lot of food. Walked. Saw good people. Saw fun people. Walked. Been told that I am an adult and that it is a good thing. Saw posters. Walked. Overheard some remarks which may or may not qualify as racist. Walked. Admired the view. Gave a tip here, refrained from - there. Walked. Didn't meet people was going to. Walked. Met about 15 people I didn't intend to. Phew. Good old Budapest.

Friday 11 September 2009


I love the market at Lehel tér. And markets in general. The smell of fresh food! Yum. Just wish I could eat a larger variety. Dream on, kiddo. Will get better.

Thursday 10 September 2009


Some people have quite an unpleasant odor. Sitting on a troli, locked up among them. Only a few stops, but hard to bear. A mixture of sweat and alcoholism.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

With Friends

Travelling with friends! :-)

Tuesday 8 September 2009

No Zebra

Remember that zebra crossing they had promised? Nope, hasn't been made. What a suprise. Could I have the postbox back, please?

Monday 7 September 2009

Hide and Seek

It's cool that you can hide people's status and other junk on Facebook or just updates about annoying applications. You can select what you want to know about your friends and sort-of-friends and what defintely not. If I want to know, I will look for it. Everyone should keep some stuff secret, even in 2009.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Green Light

To the asshole on the bike who told me today that the green light was on, I would like to say:

A. "You are right, but I didn't need a comment."

B. "If I need help, I ask for it."

C. "Who the hell are you and what do you want?"

Very rarely does the right answer come to me as such. What a shame.

Saturday 5 September 2009


cupcakes, tejbegríz, flake, blueberry pancakes, lindt milk chocolate with hazelnuts, chocolate chip cookies, lindt dark chocolate with chilli, madártej, raspberry-apple crumble, gü, belgian waffles, strawberry sugar cables, apple sugar cables, dunakavics, túrórudi, chocolate milkshake, klári's chocolate cream, fudge, marzipan, chocolate croissants, brownies, donuts, chocolate mousse, ice cream...

Friday 4 September 2009

One, Two, Three

I dreamt that people were commenting my blog. Here a comment, there a comment. I actually did. Hint, hint.

Thursday 3 September 2009

Nice Day For

More animation last night.
Some were totally boring, slow and humourless.

BUT these were awesome:

The Employment / El empleo by Santiago 'Bou' Grasso, Argentina, 2008, 6'15,

Nice Day For A Picnic by Monica Gallab, Belgium, 2008, 4'00,

and The Heart Of Amos Klein by Michal Kranot, Uri Kranot, Israel, 2008, 12’00.

New Woman

He says I should get rid of my old, low self-esteem girl act and think up something new for the next decades. Gotta hand it to him, he is right. But that's hard, man. Will get on the case, nevertheless. Just feel a bit like a mammoth.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

It Won't Come Down

Many-many years ago I went to junior high in the States. And there is something about the beginning of a month that gets me thinking.

Mr. F., our Science teacher always used to say that if your first words in the new month are "Rabbit's foot", your whole month will be lucky. But am I supposed to say it in English or Hungarian? What if I talk in my dreams before saying it, does it still count? Do I have to say it to someone to make it work? Is it cheating if I remind myself to do it, say through a note next to my bed? Never got that, really.

Than there was Mr. M., Social Studies teacher, who had three sayings. When you didn't listen, he'd say: "Wake up and smell the coffee" - and you knew you were in trouble. On average days he said: "Three lefts make a right, two (w)rights make an airplane flight". On more philisophical ones he would go with the: "If it rains, it won't come down". Never got that either.

I wonder what has happened to them. Never quite got them, really.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

August, Continued

August was much better than expected. This in itself, is quite an achievement.

Autumn is here, nonetheless. The past couple of months (=summer) in the great UK have been a fine blend of spring, summer and autumn. So, no worries, I am just going to think of what's ahead as summer, CONTINUED.