Monday 31 May 2010

Lessons For Me

If you are honest, people might not hear what you are saying.
If you stop talking for a bit they might call you autistic.
If you plan to fly to London you might end up in Prague first.
If you think small plastic flowers can't make you laugh you are just plain wrong.

Wednesday 26 May 2010


Standing in a queue, waiting. At the grocery store, at the airport, tickets and pop corn, for my transaction to go through. Wasting time. Such a copious waste of time. People stand in the wrong queue, they just want to ask just one more question, they just picked the single one item in the store with the bar code wrinkled or half torn off. And then there is the argument about what’s on sale, but it was, for the life of God it was written on there, it’s three for two, no, it’s the cheapest, no, you cannot choose which one, no it doesn’t apply to the ones you have selected. And yes, you may leave them here, no, neither of us have heard of the word sorry, no, we do not care about the rest of them standing in the queue. Oh, yes, add the ignorance element and boredom quickly turns into hatred. All you really need is say, at least one female, nose sniffer and make-up adjuster behind that simply magical counter. Make the story about yesterday’s far from perfect date just a tad bit longer, let them wait, let them have all the details, they have time, you are on a break, it’s your right as a human being to have a break, after all, you work so hard, until the supervisor comes, you are at the top of the world, do you think she knew her shirt was totally see-through, what some men want, what some women want, just a sip more of my coffee, oh, it’s rubbish, why didn’t I take more milk, there wasn’t any more skimmed, why is that bloke staring at my tits, I hate it when they do that, hello, I have a face too, I am a human being, you know. Yes, I do work here, no, I haven’t noticed the frighteningly long queue I am supposed to be dealing with, no, I have no brain and don’t care either, when it hits 7 pm, love, I’m oughta here. Hey, mister, you can’t just leave you basket here, it’s full, it’s not my job to..., oh, sure, just, walk out. Oh well, next customer, over here, over here, nextplease. NEXTPLEASE, yes, YOU!


Tuesday 25 May 2010

What a

fckd up day. But the end of it was good.

Monday 24 May 2010

Sunday 23 May 2010


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

Douglas Adams

Saturday 22 May 2010

What's going on?

People are breaking up. People are quarelling. What's going on? Is it the sun?

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Yoga Again

Started bikram yoga again. Damn good for the body and the soul. Keep it up!

Sunday 16 May 2010

It's Raining Cats and Dogs, so...

introducing: the Rain Drum*

* via hrl

Thursday 13 May 2010

Mike Ullmann

I will miss your smile, humour, love and caring.


Saturday 8 May 2010

Variations on Danger*

*via hrl once again (Happy B-day!)

Thursday 6 May 2010

But then you find something in your inbox that makes you laugh*

* from hrl (thanks!)

What a Rubbish Night

Noises, smells, headaches, too warm, too cold, bad thoughts, noises, good thoughts, general emptiness, general fullness, sms, bird chirping, bathroom noises, pillow in the right place, pillow in the wrong place, sms, bird chirping, sore throat, thoughts, blanket unhappiness, ladidadida...

Wednesday 5 May 2010


... in bed.*

*recommended by hrl

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Sunday 2 May 2010

Saturday 1 May 2010

Morning Laugh

Mapping stereotypes can be found here.*
Laugh your heart out. I did.

*recommended by hrl